How to be Fully Mobile as a Paperless Agent
One of the biggest problems agents have is being completely mobile and being totally paperless by running off a tablet or their phone.
A lot of eSignature programs out there force you to download the document onto a hard drive and then upload into their platform for signatures and initials.
But what if I told you there was a better way? A way in which you didn’t need a hard drive. You didn’t need to carry a laptop everywhere you went, ‘just in case’.
A while ago, we came up with Go Email, this allows you to forward a document that you received from the other agent, right into your client’s transaction within Repree.
Go at Repree dot com
The concept is simple and the process really easy to use.
If you get an email from the agent on the other end of your deal with a document attached, you can forward that email to Go at Repree dot com or from the same email address that you set up your Repree account with.
In the body of the email we use a hashtag system. Everyone loves hashtags right? Here’s how you’d do it:
For the client name you would add: C#Client Name# – The same way you spell your client’s name within Repree
For the Transaction you’d add: T#123 Main Street# – The same way you added the address within the transaction
This will deposit the attached document under your client’s name and into their specified transaction, all WITHOUT having to print, email, scan, fax, download, save, upload etc.
It’s as simple as sending an email. Once you have that complete, you can open Repree on your mobile device and Ratify the document and send it over to your clients for signing.
To see a full on demo of Go Email check out the video below: